Trump’s Administration’s Dangerous New Nuclear Policy – Union of Concerned Scientists
By Stephen Young
January 12, 2018
The Trump NPR calls for a new, low-yield warhead for the Trident submarine-launched missile. The NPR premises the need for that warhead on the idea that the following systems will not be able to penetrate enemy air defenses to attack enemy targets:
- US dual-capable aircraft—including the new F35A stealthy fighter aircraft—armed with gravity bombs, including the new, high precision, low-yield B61-12;
- The dual-capable aircraft of allied countries in Europe that currently host US nuclear weapons;
- US B-2 stealth bombers armed gravity bombs, including the new B61-12;
- US B-52 bombers armed with air-launch cruise missiles and the future long-range standoff (LRSO) cruise missile, and
- the future B-21 “Raider” stealth bomber armed with gravity bombs and cruise missiles.