VT Digger: F-35 Supporter, Frank Cioffi President of the GBIC, believes petitions should be included in gauging public opinion
Thursday, 13th, 2013
South Burlington, VT
VTDigger journalist, John Herrick reports:
Nicholas Germanos, a civilian project manager at Langley AFB in Virginia who worked on the environmental impact statement, said that signatures attached to petitions, pro or con, submitted during the public comment period are not used to calculate public support for the project. Mr. Germanos, said the wording on Cioffi’s petition inaccurately assumed that the F-35 is necessary for the survival of the Air National Guard. He said petitions often make general or inaccurate statements.
“That was an incorrect assumption to be stated in the petition. There was never an Air Force statement that the F-35 was necessary to save the Guard, as the title of the petition indicated,” Germanos said.
He said some petitions were circulated throughout New England and are not representative of those who may be affected by the project.
“It really wasn’t an accurate portrayal of the public’s views on the possible beddown,” Germanos said.
Click here to read the complete article.
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