Seven Days: SoBu Council Supports F-35 Despite Strong Opposition at Noisy Meeting
Tuesday, July 9th, 2013
South Burlington VT
Click here to read Mr. Kelley’s entire article here.
Journalist, Kevin Kelley, reports on last night’s contentious SO BU City Council Meeting. “But as the opposition slowly swelled, speaker after speaker decried the feared impact of a plane that the Air Force acknowledges is significantly noisier than the F-16. Neighborhoods abutting BTV have already been devastated by the din of airport operations, several opponents said, citing the federal government’s purchase and demolition of scores of homes inside a high-noise zone deemed unfit for human habitation.”
Asked after the meeting whether the council’s vote represents a setback for the anti-F-35 coalition, Chris Hurd, one of its leaders, insisted, “We don’t look at it that way. We look at what happened here as more fuel for our fire.”
Please call me (Chris Hurd) at 802.238.5256 so I can get your name, email address and phone number so we can be in two way communication immediately. We need you to become involved right now!