Quotations from the Administrative Record showing VTANG Interference in the F-35A NEPA Basing Process
Rose to Wright (5-14-10) “We still have time to discuss your concerns regarding the changes since the 2006 Part 150 but just as an FYI, this is the same approach we were going to take with the JAX airport.” #41588
Clark to Rose and Caputo (5-18-10) “…they are using our operational data from our latest noise study. We do not want that—correct? You may have this all under control, just wanted to check.” #41607
Rose to Clark (5-18-10) “Sir, we are just in the data gathering and review mode. We will confirm the approach we are taking with you (and get your input) before initiating our evaluations. Just so you know, we need to be consistent (as much as possible) about how we model the bases and need to be able to justify/tell the story if we decide on different model approaches.” #41607
Wright to Clark (6-30-10) “I asked Kevin Marek about the profile data used in the VTANG 2005 Noise Data Resource Book (NDRB). He called the two main contractor POCs who worked on the report and both said the same thing: that the base provided all of the data and had at least one shot at reviewing a draft document before it went final. I also called John Ferraro, the former EM, and he recalled the same thing – all data came from the base, and he routed it internally for review.” #42541
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