F-35 sound study now makes sense
Dec. 11, 2016
South Burlington should pursue options for a study that would show how noise from soon-to-be-deployed F-35 fighters could impact neighborhoods surrounding Burlington International Airport.
The sound contours are likely to change with the scheduled arrival of the new Air National Guard jets in 2019. The next-generation fighters are louder, but are expected to project their noise in a different pattern, than the F-16s currently based at the airport.
Everyone knows the F-35s are coming and when. Why should people and businesses have to wait two years until the jets arrive to find out exactly what living or working near the airport might mean?
Airport neighbors have a right to know how their lives might be affected by developments at Burlington International. Residents and business owners – current and those considering purchases – have a right to protect their properties, likely the biggest investment made by most families.