F-35: A Citizens’ Hearing
Thursday, May 30th, 7 pm. Unitarian Universalist Church Burlington at the top of Church Street.
- Pierre Sprey, co-designer of the F-16 and the A-10 jets
- Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s
- US Air Force Colonel Rosanne Greco (ret.)
- “Gramma” Carmine Sargent, who lives in the noise zone
- Rabbi Joshua Chasan
Come one come all! Come get the scoop!
- 150 affordable homes now vacant or demolished because of F-16 noise
- Air Force says the F-35 is more than 4 times louder than the F-16
- Air Force says the F-35 will put 3000 more affordable homes in the noise zone that the federal government says is “unsuitable for residential use.”
- F-35 puts a thousand more homes in a very high risk crash zone
- Former Adjutant General Dubie said F-35 basing would cause loss of jobs
Boston Globe quotes a Pentagon official saying the military brass “fudged” the base selection process “so that [Senator] Leahy’s home state would win.”
Come to this community conversation about your concerns, including defects of the jet, jobs, safety, noise, and devastating effect on our neighborhoods
Sponsors: Ben Cohen, Peace and Justice Center, USAction, Vermont Workers Center, Save Our Skies, Stop the F-35 Coalition, Veterans for Peace, Burlington Quakers, CPOC, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, PAX Christi, Vermont Progressive Party, International Socialist Organization, 350Vermont.org.
For more information contact Chris Hurd, 802 238-5256
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