DOD F-35 program office, breaking the law
By Eric Palmer
April 18, 2016
The U.S. Government Account Office has released two reports on the troubled F-35 program.
One on the program and “new capabilities”. Another, on the F-35s faulty total logistics management system called ALIS.
The one on ALIS has no surprises. The problems have been ongoing for years and, it was years ago that fixes were promised.
The other report? Billions needed to work on Block 4 of the F-35. The problem with this is it is blue-sky marketing. The F-35 program is still in DOD procurement milestone B. That is, after all these years: early development. The primary goal of the F-35 program currently in its system design and demonstration (SDD) stage is to show a fully functional Block 3 capability. Key word: ‘demonstration.’