Seven Days: After Public Forum, Winooski City Council Opposes Basing of F-35s
Thursday, July 11th, 2013
Winooski, VT
Seven Days journalist, Taylor Dobbs, reports, “Winooski’s city council voted 4-0 Wednesday against basing F-35 fighter jets at Burlington International Airport. The council will formally request that the Air Force take Vermont out of consideration for this round of basing decisions for the next-generation warplane.
The crowd erupted into applause, though, after Councilor Seth Leonard introduced language that took a clear stand.
Leonard read from a prepared document what he hoped the council would say: “In the interest of protecting the public health, quality of life, and economic rights of its citizens, the City of Winooski resolves that the Burlington Airport be removed from consideration for the current basing of F-35 fighter jets.”
Click here to read the article in its entirety.
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