From the F-35 Operational Draft EIS Volume I: Written comments on this document should be directed to Mr. Nicholas Germanos, F-35A Operational Basing Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Project Manager, HQ ACC/A7PS, 129 Andrews Street, Suite 337, Langley AFB, VA 23665-2769. Telephone inquiries may be made to HQ ACC Public Affairs at (757) 764-5007
For the full EIS reports, go here:
- F-35 Operational Draft EIS Volume I
- F-35 Operational Draft EIS Volume II
- F-35 Operational Draft EIS Executive Summary
- Powder River Training Complex DRAFT EIS
- White Elk Military Operations Area Final EIS
- F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown – Nellis AFB – Final EIS
Click here for the Winooski map.
Here is a link to a resolution passed unanimously by the Winooski City Council 5/21/12
Phone numbers for the Burlington offices:
Sen. Sanders 862-0697
Sen. Leahy 863-2525