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Personal Letter to Mr. Germanos

18 June 2012


Mr. Nick Germanos, HQ ACC/A7PS

129 Andrews St., Suite 337

Langley AFB, VA  23665-2769


Dear Mr. Germanos,


I am writing to comment on the USAF F-35A Draft Operational Basing Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), ask a few questions, and make a request.


I oppose basing the F-35A in South Burlington, Vermont primarily because of the environment damages cited in the DEIS.  I agree with the findings of the report that basing the F-35A at the Burlington Air National Guard Station would result in adverse environmental consequences, burdens on our resources, and significant negative impacts on our lives in the categories of land use, socioeconomics, community facilities, public services, ground traffic, transportation, noise, environmental justice, air quality, safety, protection of children, and climate change.


Would you please respond to the following questions?


1.    How much does environmental impact factor into the ultimate decision to base the aircraft in South Burlington, Vermont?

2.    Does the average citizen’s opinion have any effect on the final basing decision?  If so, how much weight is given to individual’s views?

3.    Is any additional weight, or priority, given to the views of individuals who would be most closely affected by the basing decision; for example, those whose homes would fall within the 65 dB DNL or higher noise area, those living adjacent to the borders of the noise contour areas, and parents of children who attend schools located within the noise contour area.


I respectfully request the Air Force give precedence to comments received from residents of South Burlington and surrounding areas over comments received from sources outside of the local area.  And, before any final decision is made, I request that the Air Force seriously consider the effect that the F-16 has already had on South Burlington neighborhoods; and the dramatic consequences the F-35A will have on thousands of people in our small Vermont community.




Col Rosanne M. Greco, USAF (ret)