F35 Basing Scoresheets: Clear and Serious Errors
These are the Burlington scoresheets for the potential basing of the F-35. This scoresheet is compared against others scoresheets (which have been kept secret by the Air Force) to help determine which locations are the best ones for the F-35 to be located at. The scoresheets are a bit complicted and we’ve tried to clarify them in our comments. We point out the clear and serious errors in the scoresheet below.
Regarding “encroachment” on the scoring sheet, the first two questions (see page 5 for the questions) are:
- Is there incompatible development in the clear zones and/or accident potential zones?
- Is there incompatible development in noise contours above 65 dB DNL?
As indicated on the scoring sheet, a check in the box means “yes” and no check in the box means “no.”
Under “encroachment” Burlington got no check in the box and 3 points for having “no” development in the clear zones and/or accident potential zones. Burlington got no check in the box and another 3 points for having “no” development in noise contours above 65 dB DNL.
But Burlington has 32 commercial buildings in the clear zones and 1400 residential properties in the accident potential zones and Burlington has 2944 homes in the noise contours above 65 dB DNL.
Burlington should have gotten a check in both boxes indicated “yes,” to development in both. Burlington should not have gotten 3 points for each. Burlington’s score was boosted by a total of 6 points.