Draft EIS Contact List
Please contact the people listed below before June 20th and tell them you don’t want the F-35s coming to Vermont. Postal mail needs to be postmarked by June 20th.
— Main Air Force Contact for the Draft EIS —
[email protected]
Mr. Nicholas Germanos
129 Andrews St., Suite 337
Langley AFB, VA 23665-2769
Ms. Kathleen Ferguson
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations – SAF-IEI
1665 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1665
*Required to read letters sent directly to her
Letters to Ms. Ferguson should be cced to Mr. Germanos.
[Heads Final Decision Process – i.e., all topics count! ]
Senator Patrick Leahy (802) 863-2525
Senator Bernard Sanders (802) 862-0697
Rep. Peter Welch (802) 652-2450