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f35The Center for Sustainable Installations at HQ Air Combat Command serves as a central point of contact and clearing house for sustainable installation planning. The purpose of this website is to allow public access to documents and supporting information prepared as part of the Air Force’s Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP) for current ACC initiatives.

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) is our national charter for the protection of the environment. The primary objective of NEPA is to promote sound, informed decision making with respect to federal agency activities through analysis of the potential impacts of those activities on the human and physical environment. NEPA, and its corresponding implementing regulations (40 C.F.R. 1500-1508), is conducted by the Air Force under the Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP) as outlined in 32 CFR Part 989, Department of the Air Force Environmental Impact Analysis Process.

The Air Force recently issued the Enterprise-Wide Civil Engineer Transformation Program Action Directive (PAD) 12-03 in an effort to implement a multi-pronged asset management approach to centralize, standardize, streamline, re-organize, and enhance efficiency. Part of this transformation centralizes execution of the NEPA process at the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) located at Lackland AFB, TX.

All new NEPA initiatives will be transitioned to AFCEC for execution and only ongoing legacy analysis will remain under ACC management thru completion. Thus, this site will continue to host only active legacy initiatives currently managed by ACC staff.

Current Initiatives


EPA Eglin AFB 11-8-10 20100381

Stop the F-35 Coalition Meetings
    Tuesday @  6:30 pm
    Vermont Workers Center, 294 North Winooski Ave, Burlington
    (enter through side door off parking lot toward rear of building)