Citations on VTANG political engagement as cited in the administrative record of the F-35A basing process
Cray to Fick, Clark, Harris, Caputo, Baczewski, Goodrow, Irish, Kleptz (3-9-10) Subject: Media Messages for F35. “All, Here’s some thought I have regarding the development of our community management strategy. First I think it’s time to publish a letter to the editor in the BFP as an update on the “facts”. It’s imperative that we get Sheryl in front of the SB council in April. An invite to the VTANG for meet and greet. Timing TBD.” #40684
Goodrow to Abbott (9-2-10) Subject: Regarding Organizing Efforts for the F-35. “There are many opportunities out there to promote the possibilities of the VTANG’s bedding down of the F-35 in the future. That being said, there is great temptation for members of the VTANG to become engaged in a political process that is outside of our legal lanes. As a military organization it is improper for us to utilize the email systems to push any sort of agendas as an effort to influence our public or the USAF toward any decision process. That being said, efforts to institute or participate in any “We Support the F-35 Campaign” by way of petition or active participation in efforts toward those means would be improper. Military Organization are prohibited from solicitation.
If individuals want to get the news out through their personal websites, facebook, email links, etc. they must do it as individuals and should not do it as a member of the Vermont Air Guard or imply that the Air Guard is driving this ship…because we CAN’T and Aren’t driving the ship.
It is totally appropriate for the Air Guard to support requests for information on the F-35 to organizations like the Chamber of Commerce, etc..but we should not be building their agenda for them. I do believe that it is now appropriate for the VTANG to engage with the Rotary, etc in order to update them on the EIS process, etc, and update on VTANG activities. This should NOT be an opportunity to tell folks to organize on our behalf but it purely an effort to keep the public informed on the EIS process. Engaging with the public in this respect is not only appropriate but expected under the EIS process. If the Chamber wants to bounce ideas off of us…we need to remember that their efforts on our behalf are THEIR efforts and we are only responding to legitimate, appropriate requests for information that could very well be used to support THEIR efforts toward supporting the F-35 in Burlington. Offers of F-16 flights or positions of honor for organization offering support would NOT be appropriate.
We have been telling the public from day one that this is a United States Air Force Process that we did NOT solicit…although we are grateful for the acknowledgement the USAF has given us in their selection of the 158FW as a prime location for the F-35. If we appear to be actively soliciting and behind the scenes activists toward these means, we could impact our credibility with those who we already are on shaky grounds with.” #44143. NOTE: PARTS OF THIS EMAIL ARE MISSING AND ARE LABELED “PRIVILEGED”